
Making Scientific Data Tables

Data tables are just that: tables of your results. Tables should be organized before you start your experiment, so that you can concentrate on your method instead of scrambling to organize your information while you work. Trust me on this: you will discover that your experiments go more smoothly if you come to class with…

ImageData tables are just that: tables of your results. Tables should be organized before you start your experiment, so that you can concentrate on your method instead of scrambling to organize your information while you work. Trust me on this: you will discover that your experiments go more smoothly if you come to class with your data tables set up, so that all you have to do is write the numbers in the right place.
Some rules for data tables included in your lab reports:

  1. Tables need a title! The title should identify what information is in the table.
  2. All columns should be labeled and include the units of measurement at the top.
  3. Use only numbers in the cells. (If you include the units as well, computers won’t read them as numbers, and they won’t be able to plot them on a graph for you.)
  4. Use the same number of decimal places in every measurement in a column.
  5. Center your numbers both vertically and horizontally to make the table easier to read.

Responses to “Making Scientific Data Tables”

  1. Anonymous

    can the title be a question?

  2. Anonymous


    1. Anonymous

      Very nice website

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    Thank you, this really helped me study

  5. Anonymous

    hi can you make an interpretation base on the table? the salt concentration and transmittance? thank you!

  6. Anonymous

    I am a 5th grader and I don’t get it

    1. Anonymous

      At the very least, you should have labels with units at the top of your table such as:

      Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters)
      0.0 0.00
      3.0 30.15
      6.0 60.35
      9.0 90.15
      12.0 120.05

      Labels are the “things” (called variables) that you are taking measurements on. In this case, it is time and distance. The units are what you are measuring in. In this case, it is seconds and centimeters.

      Notice each column and row are lined up neatly under the labels and in the center.

      Also, notice that every time recorded has the same number of digits after the one’s place. For example: 0.0, 3.0, 6.0, and so on. This is instead of: 0, 3.0, 6, 9.00, which is incorrect.

      Hopefully, the data table comes out correct for you to see and the comment was helpful.

      1. Anonymous

        Well, the data table didn’t come out, which is disappointing. This is the best I can do:

        Time (seconds)—Distance (centimeters)

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